Preferred credentials are used by Grid control (GC) monitoring pages as well as batch jobs.

Using preferred credentials is a relatively easy way to manage database passwords in GC although it does not actually change the passwords in the relevant databases it does mean that each GC user only needs to know their own account and password to access their systems.


In grid control

select Setup -> Security -> Preferred Credentials

Select the “HOST” credentials line.

Select “Manage Preferred credentials”.

Select the “Normal Host credentials” line.

Select “Set”

The following popup window appears.

Using the windows domain DBATask user, enter the relevant password and create a name for the credential.

Select “Save”

Select ALL the hosts in the list. Select “Set”

Use the named credential created earlier. Select “Save”

Modify any unix systems to use oracle username/password.

Repeat for “Database Instance credentials”

For which one can set

“Normal database credentials”,

“SYSDBA credentials” and

“Database Host credentials”