To create a wallet

mkstore -wrl /tmp/wallet –create
Enter password: mysecret
PKI-01002: Invalid password.
Enter password: mysecret1 (not echoed)
Enter password again: mysecret1 (not echoed)

To add entries to the wallet

mkstore -wrl -createCredential The db_connect_string must be identical to the connection string that you specify

in the URL used in the datasource definition (the part of the string that follows the

@). It can be either the short form or the long form of the URL.

For example: myhost:1521/myservice or (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myhost-scan)

(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=myservice))) To list the wallet entries $ mkstore -wrl /u01/app/oracle/wallet -listCredential Oracle Secret Store Tool : Version Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Enter wallet password: List credential (index: connect_string username) 2: 1: $

To use the wallet

Add the following to the sqlnet.ora

WALLET_LOCATION = (SOURCE = (METHOD = FILE) (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY = /.../wallet))) MKSTORE COMMAND [-create] [-createSSO] [-createLSSO] [-createALO] [-delete] [-deleteSSO] [-list] [-createEntry alias secret] [-viewEntry alias] [-modifyEntry alias secret] [-deleteEntry alias] [-createCredential connect_string username password] [-listCredential] [-modifyCredential connect_string username password] [-deleteCredential connect_string] [-help] [-nologo]


$ orapki wallet change_pwd -wallet /u01/.../wallets Oracle PKI Tool : Version Copyright (c) 2004, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Enter wallet password: Enter New Wallet Password: Confirm Wallet Password: Wallet password has been changed. $